Neon Sign Discussion

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  1. I recently purchased a 4' x 4' double sided porcelain neon Shell sign with the original hanger. my question is what is the color of the original neon and was the neon located on the outside edge or inside edge of the sign?

  2. I have a number of old neon signs I recently removed from the building face of a long established eatery in downtown Sacramento. The signs have letters that are individually encased and grouped together on the front of their "boxes" that enclose the wiring and ballasts or whatever makes these things tick, to make each word. All but maybe two letters worked fine when removed from the building. So there are complete working signs here that say things like "malts", "chili", "fountain" and my personal favorite, "pie", among others! Someone told me these might be worth something and they are certainly cool so I would hate to scrap them all. Although I'm in dire financial straits at the moment and a miracle windfall would be a welcome thing, I'm not counting on these being that. In fact, if they are worth anything to anyone who wants to come get them, that's great. Might be nice to get some pie maybe. Sounds good now! :)
    Ok, anyway, does anyone have any idea whether I'm hanging on to diamonds or rust here? I'd really appreciate your more informed opinions. I attempted to post a couple photos. Hopefully it works and they are somewhat helpful to. Y'all. Pls pardon my neon ignorance.

  3. Well, pics are on my Google+ profile page anyway. Thanks again!
